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All links from the application towards doc.tiki.org (Cached)
Tiki has a help feature (preference name: feature_help) which activates links from within the application to the Tiki documentation. You can specify a Help URL that contains customized help pages. By default, the Help system uses http://doc.tiki.org/


As features are added (or in some cases renamed.

All the links from Tiki instances of all currently supported versions should work

The information below is to help coordinate this process

This page is to list all the pages which are linked from the application. This is supposed to be approximately the same list as Keywords.

Along with All Plugins and All modules, we should try to make sure all these links actually point to somewhere. At least with a stub so users can become contributors.

To generate

Copy to clipboard
grep -r '{\$prefs.helpurl}' templates | sed -e "s/^.*{\$prefs.helpurl}\([^\"']*\)[\"'].*$/\\1/" | sort | uniq | awk '{print "(("$1"))~|~ ~|~"}' | tr "+" " "

The pages

See: Restore Help Pages 7x


For 3.x, we are missing 1- the doc links with the new format {help url= 2- the links in tiki-admin.php Also, the script needs to be double-checked for links with spaces ( ) or pluses (+)
Action Calendar~~ ~~
Logs~~ ~~
Ajax~~ ~~
Articles~~ ~~
Banners~~ ~~
Banning~~ ~~
Blog~~ ~~
Bookmarks~~ ~~
Calendar~~ ~~
Categories~~ ~~
Charts~~ ~~
Comments~~ ~~
Communication Center~~ ~~
Compression~~ ~~
Contacts~~ ~~
Contact Us~~ ~~
Contribution~~ ~~
Copyright~~ ~~
Custom Home~~ ~~
Debugger Console~~ ~~
Directory~~ ~~
Draw~~ ~~
Edit CSS~~ ~~
Edit Templates~~ ~~
External Wikis~~ ~~
FAQs~~ ~~
Featured Links~~ ~~
File Gallery~~ ~~
Forums~~ ~~
Friendship~~ ~~
Fullscreen~~ ~~
Games~~ ~~
Gmap~~ ~~
Group Alert~~ ~~
Html Pages~~ ~~
Image Galleries~~ ~~
Internationalization~~ ~~
InterTiki~~ ~~
Inter-User Messages~~ ~~
JQuery~~ ~~
Js Calendar~~ ~~
Live Support~~ ~~
Mail-in~~ ~~
Maps~~ ~~
Menu~~ ~~
MindMap~~ ~~
Minichat~~ ~~
MinifiedScripts~~ ~~
Mootools~~ ~~
Multimedia~~ ~~
Newsletters~~ ~~
Newsreader~~ ~~
Notepad~~ ~~
Plugins~~ ~~
Polls~~ ~~
Purifier~~ ~~
Quiz Question Import~~ ~~
Quiz~~ ~~
Apache Clean URLs~~ ~~
Score~~ ~~
Search~~ ~~
Shadowbox~~ ~~
Shoutbox~~ ~~
Spreadsheet~~ ~~
Stats~~ ~~
Surveys~~ ~~
SWFObject~~ ~~
Tags~~ ~~
Task~~ ~~
Tell a Friend~~ ~~
Tiki Integrator~~ ~~
TikiTests~~ ~~
Tracker Field Types~~ ~~
Trackers~~ ~~
User Files~~ ~~
User Levels~~ ~~
User Menu~~ ~~
User Preferences~~ ~~
Users Flip Columns~~ ~~
User Watches~~ ~~
View Templates~~ ~~
Webmail~~ ~~
Wiki~~ ~~
Wiki 3D~~ ~~
Wiki Syntax~~ ~~
Workflow~~ ~~
Wysiwyg Editor~~ ~~
Xmlrpc~~ ~~


Action Calendar~~ ~~
Action~~ ~~
Logs~~ ~~
Adding fields to a tracker~~ ~~
Admin DSN~~ ~~
Ajax~~ ~~
Articles~~ ~~
AutoLinks~~ ~~
Banners~~ ~~
Banning~~ ~~
Banning System~~ ~~
Blog~~ ~~
Bookmarks~~ ~~
Link Cache~~ ~~
Calendar~~ ~~
Categories~~ ~~
Categories Admin~~ ~~
Charts~~ ~~
Chat Admin~~ ~~
Communication Center~~ ~~
Compression~~ ~~
Contacts~~ ~~
Contact Us~~ ~~
Content Templates~~ ~~
Contribution~~ ~~
Cookie~~ ~~
Copyright~~ ~~
Custom Home~~ ~~
Debugger Console~~ ~~
Directory~~ ~~
Draw~~ ~~
Dynamic Content~~ ~~
Edit CSS~~ ~~
Edit Templates~~ ~~
External Wikis~~ ~~
FAQs~~ ~~
Featured Links~~ ~~
FeaturedLinksAdmin~~ ~~
File Gallery~~ ~~
Forums~~ ~~
Friendship~~ ~~
Friendship Network~~ ~~
Fullscreen~~ ~~
GalaxiaAdminProcesses~~ ~~
GalaxiaMonitorActivities~~ ~~
GalaxiaMonitorInstances~~ ~~
GalaxiaMonitorProcesses~~ ~~
GalaxiaUserActivities~~ ~~
GalaxiaUserInstances~~ ~~
GalaxiaUserProcesses~~ ~~
Games~~ ~~
Gmap~~ ~~
Groups Management~~ ~~
Hotwords~~ ~~
Html Pages~~ ~~
i18n~~ ~~
Image Galleries~~ ~~
ImportingPagesAdmin~~ ~~
Integrator~~ ~~
InterTiki~~ ~~
Inter-User~~ ~~
Inter-User Messages~~ ~~
Js Calendar~~ ~~
Live Support~~ ~~
Mail-in~~ ~~
Mail Notifications~~ ~~
Maps~~ ~~
Menu~~ ~~
Module Control~~ ~~
Modules Admin~~ ~~
Mootools~~ ~~
Multimedia~~ ~~
MyTiki~~ ~~
Newsletters~~ ~~
Newsreader~~ ~~
Notepad~~ ~~
Permissions Settings~~ ~~
Plugins~~ ~~
Polls~~ ~~
Post Comments as Anonymous~~ ~~
Purifier~~ ~~
Toolbar~~ ~~
Quiz~~ ~~
Quiz Question Import~~ ~~
Quiz~~ ~~
Referer Search Highlighting~~ ~~
Referer Stats~~ ~~
Replicate~~ ~~
Apache Clean URLs~~ ~~
RSS Modules~~ ~~
Score~~ ~~
Search~~ ~~
Search Admin~~ ~~
SearchStats~~ ~~
Search Stats~~ ~~
Security Admin~~ ~~
Shadowbox~~ ~~
Shoutbox~~ ~~
Look and Feel~~ ~~
Smiley~~ ~~
Spreadsheet~~ ~~
Stats~~ ~~
Structures~~ ~~
Surveys~~ ~~
System Admin~~ ~~
System Log~~ ~~
Tags~~ ~~
Task~~ ~~
Tell a Friend~~ ~~
Theme Control~~ ~~
Tiki Integrator~~ ~~
TikiTests~~ ~~
Tracker Field Types~~ ~~
Trackers~~ ~~
UserAssignedModules~~ ~~
User Bookmarks~~ ~~
User Calendar~~ ~~
User Contacts Prefs~~ ~~
User Files~~ ~~
User Levels~~ ~~
UserList~~ ~~
User Menu~~ ~~
User Preferences~~ ~~
Users Configure Modules~~ ~~
Users Flip Columns~~ ~~
Users~~ ~~
Users Shade Modules~~ ~~
User Tasks~~ ~~
User Watches~~ ~~
View Templates~~ ~~
Webmail~~ ~~
Wiki~~ ~~
Wiki 3D~~ ~~
Wiki~~ ~~
Wiki Syntax~~ ~~
Workflow~~ ~~
WYSIWYCA Search~~ ~~
Wysiwyg Editor~~ ~~
Xmlrpc~~ ~~


Adding fields to a tracker~~ ~~
Admin DSN~~ ~~
Articles~~ ~~
AutoLinks~~ ~~
Backup~~ ~~
Banners~~ ~~
Banning~~ ~~
Blog~~ ~~
Bookmarks~~ ~~
Link Cache~~ ~~
Calendar~~ ~~
Category~~ ~~
Charts~~ ~~
Chat~~ ~~
Chat Admin~~ ~~
Communication Center~~ ~~
Community~~ ~~
Compression~~ ~~
Contact~~ ~~
Content Templates~~ ~~
Cookie~~ ~~
Custom Home~~ ~~
Debugger Console~~ ~~
Directory~~ ~~
Draw~~ ~~
Dynamic Content~~ ~~
Edit CSS~~ ~~
Edit Templates~~ ~~
Ephemerides~~ ~~
External Wikis~~ ~~
FAQ~~ ~~
Featured Links~~ ~~
File Gallery~~ ~~
Forum~~ ~~
Friendship Network~~ ~~
Games~~ ~~
Gmap~~ ~~
Hotwords~~ ~~
Html Pages~~ ~~
i18n~~ ~~
Image Gallery~~ ~~
Import-Export~~ ~~
Integrator~~ ~~
Inter-User Messages~~ ~~
Js Calendar~~ ~~
Live Support~~ ~~
Mail-in~~ ~~
Mail notifications~~ ~~
Map~~ ~~
Menu~~ ~~
Mobile~~ ~~
Module Control~~ ~~
Modules Admin~~ ~~
MyTiki~~ ~~
Newsletters~~ ~~
Newsreader~~ ~~
Notepad~~ ~~
Permissions~~ ~~
Permissions Settings~~ ~~
Polls~~ ~~
Toolbar~~ ~~
Quiz~~ ~~
Quiz Question Import~~ ~~
Referer Stats~~ ~~
Referrer Search Highlighting~~ ~~
Restore Help Pages~~ ~~
Feeds User~~ ~~
Score~~ ~~
Search~~ ~~
Search Stats~~ ~~
Security Admin~~ ~~
Shoutbox~~ ~~
Look and Feel~~ ~~
Smileys~~ ~~
Spreadsheet~~ ~~
Stats~~ ~~
Structures~~ ~~
Surveys~~ ~~
System Admin~~ ~~
System log~~ ~~
Task~~ ~~
Theme Control~~ ~~
Tracker Field Types~~ ~~
Trackers~~ ~~
User Calendar~~ ~~
User Files~~ ~~
User Menu~~ ~~
User Modules~~ ~~
User Preferences~~ ~~
Users Configure Modules~~ ~~
Users Flip Columns~~ ~~
Users~~ ~~
Users Shade Modules~~ ~~
View Templates~~ ~~
Watch~~ ~~
Webmail~~ ~~
Wiki~~ ~~
Wiki Syntax~~ ~~
Workflow~~ ~~
Xmlrpc~~ ~~

On 13th March 2005, v1.9 had over 210 links to doc.tw.o, and over 120 links to unique pages on doc.tw.o!

To find templates with bad help links:

Copy to clipboard
#!/bin/bash find templates -exec egrep "helpurl.*\$1" {} \; -print

This section needs a serious cleanup for 3.x (and maybe even 2.x?)

Copy to clipboard
egrep "adminPage|+Config" tiki-admin.php sections="Tiki Features General Login Wiki Image+Galleries File+Galleries Articles Polls Search Blog Forum FAQ Tracker Webmail RSS Directory User+Files Maps Meta+Tags wikiatt Score Projects Community Site+Identity Site+Logo+and+Identity Calendar" for each in $sections; do echo "(("$each"+Config))~|~ ~|~" | tr "+" " "; done

Sat Mar 12, 16:30 UTC

Tiki Config~~ ~~
Features Admin~~ ~~
General Admin~~ ~~
LDAP authentication~~ ~~
Wiki Config~~ ~~
Image Gallery Config~~ ~~
File Gallery Config~~ ~~
Articles Config~~ ~~
Poll Admin~~ ~~
Search Admin~~ ~~
Blog Config~~ ~~
Forum Admin~~ ~~
FAQ Admin~~ ~~
Tracker Admin~~ ~~
Webmail Config~~ ~~
RSS Config~~ ~~
Directory Admin~~ ~~
User Files Admin~~ ~~
Maps Admin~~ ~~
Metatags Admin Meta Tags Admin~~ ~~
wikiatt Admin~~ ~~
Score Config~~ ~~
Projects Config~~ ~~
Community~~ ~~
Site Identity Config~~ ~~
Calendar Admin~~ ~~

The following link to doc.tw.o from tw.o:

Copy to clipboard
#!/bin/bash grep "doc:" | sed -e "s/^.*\(((doc:[^)]*))\).*\$/\1/g" \$1 | sort | uniq grep "\[http://doc.tikiwiki.org" | sed -e "s/^.*\(\[http:\/\/doc\.tikiwiki\.org[^]]*]\).*\$/\1/g" \$1 | sort | uniq
Copy to clipboard
./ldoc.sh tikiwiki.org.2005-03-07.sql

Sat Mar 07

((doc:Login Admin|Login Admin))
((doc:Modules Admin))
((doc:Modules Admin|doc:Modules Admin))
((doc:Rewrite Rules))
((doc:Trackers Admin|Trackers Admin))
((doc:Wiki Admin))
((doc:Wiki Lists))
[http://doc.tiki.org/knoppix3.6+tiki1.9DR.iso|doc.tiki.org, USA]
[http://doc.tiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=Rewrite+Rules|Rewrite Rules]
[http://doc.tiki.org/tiki-index.php?page_ref_id=143|docs page|nocache]
[http://doc.tiki.org/|TikiWiki Docs]

plugins have internal link to doc in the plugin.php file. Ex.: 'documentation' => 'PluginMouseover',

Attached files

ID Name Comment Uploaded Size Downloads
88 2019-09-26-tiki-admin-help-links.png Marc Laporte 18.54 Kb 117